Laying Down on the Job

Laying Down on the Job
The Santa Monica Easy

Thursday, September 4, 2014

UPDATE: Santa Monica Urgent Care DOES Care!

     The last thing I said in my previous post was that if Santa Monica Urgent Care changes their policy so that they accept Medicare, I'd change/edit/update my blog (and Yelp review) -- and that I hoped they would. Well, it must be a good day for wishes because I was very quickly contacted by Susan N., the office manager for Santa Monica Urgent Care and told that I'd been given incorrect information -- THEY DO ACCEPT MEDICARE (Susan also left a comment on the blog entry). I'm VERY pleased to update this blog and share my really amazing experience at Santa Monica Urgent Care, 524 Colorado Blvd..

     As I stated, shortly after I posted the Yelp review and my blog entry I got an email from Susan N. and invited to call her direct number so she could help me get the medical attention I needed. I called Susan who encouraged me to come in right away. When I explained that I was tired and would go in the morning, Susan offered to call a cab to bring me to the office (only 6 blocks away). She also offered to drive to my home and pick me up! I really appreciated the offer but felt I would gather myself enough to walk over before the end of the day. I arrived near 4:30 pm and was quickly processed and saw the doctor in well less than 20 minutes.  The office lobby is small but clean, uncluttered and wasn't busy -- which surprised and delighted me.  I was treated, received meds and left the office in probably less than 30 minutes. I have to say my opinion of this service has been turned around 180 degrees. I have no doubt the issue of what insurance they accept has now been cleared up with the staff.  As I left the office, one more act of apology for the morning's misinformation was provided (which I won't detail since it was, in my estimation, an extraordinary accommodation and not something you'd ever get from any doctor's office or hospital).  I left, very impressed, knowing I'd have no problem coming back if needed. I NOW UNHESITATINGLY AND ENTHUSIASTICALLY RECOMMEND SANTA MONICA URGENT CARE.  In addition, their web site is very informative, easy to navigate and read.  I especially like that there's a link on the web site home page for new patient forms which can be printed and filled out before you get to the office, saving a little extra time.

     I walked to the office but can understand how particularly frustrating the metro line construction on Colorado Blvd. has made it for anyone who drives to SM Urgent Care. This is not the fault of SM Urgent Care.  The city of Santa Monica has made it nearly impossible for drivers to readily get to the office and then find the parking lot in back. If you do drive, I'd recommend calling the office first (310-394-2273) and ask for specifics about how to get to their parking lot.

     My first experience with an urgent care facility happened about two years ago. I was visiting relatives in Rancho Cordova at the time and had a medical issue involving sudden and unusual pain but it wasn't a life-endangering matter.  I didn't want to drive back to L.A. to see my usual doctor while in that much discomfort. Even if I did, knew I couldn't get an appointment for about 2 weeks anyway.  I went to an urgent care clinic in nearby Carmichael and was impressed with the ease, efficiency and professionalism of the walk-in visit, which is why I had no problem deciding to go to an urgent care office here in Santa Monica. As far as I'm concerned, being able to walk into an urgent care facility to get a  medical issue resolved in less than 24 hrs. is a new and exciting turn for the better in the field of patient health care.  The Santa Monica Urgent Care office is a worthy addition to our community. 

Santa Monica Urgent Care -- Doesn't Accept Medicare

Santa Monica Urgent Care at 524 Colorado Blvd, in Santa Monica may have tons of good reviews on Yelp, great staff and physicians but if you have a medical issue that needs quick treatment but is not life threatening, Santa Monica Urgent Care doesn't care about you if your insurance coverage is Medicare. 

        Here's the first sentence from their well designed, easy-to-navigate web site: "At Santa Monica Urgent Care your health is our priority."  If that were true, they'd take Medicare. They take Worker's Comp but not Medicare. They take the uninsured but not sick people insured through Medicare. If you own a medical care facility that accepts Worker's Comp or the uninsured -- like this place -- you should find a way to accept Medicare regardless. It’s shameful that a health/medical care facility that — I would assume — needs local, county and state licenses, approvals and must meet many medical standards DOES NOT ACCEPT MEDICARE.  It’s not like this place is a tavern or a clothing store providing serves or products that, if withheld from me, would harm me or the community in which I live. 

I normally would not see a doctor because of a sore throat but this one has gotten gradually worse over 5 days and today I have a fever as well. Since I've been a pretty healthy person all my life, I don't have a family physician. My options are: 1) get an appointment with a doctor I find through some Google search until I find one that accepts Medicare then wait 4 to 6 weeks for the “new patient” appointment; meanwhile the untreated sore throat creates complications that will make recovery and the associated expense of recovery even more severe, 2) wait hours in an emergency room, possibly spreading what ever I have, only to find out they don't take Medicare either or that my condition is not considered an emergency and to call my doctor, 3) pretend to be uninsured and pay Santa Monica Urgent Care for procedures covered under Medicare insurance (which won't reimburse me) or  4) just walk around with this condition and hope I'm not spreading bird flu or strep or what ever it is. 

This may not be the only urgent care facility in Santa Monica and others may take Medicare -- but IF YOU HAVE MEDICARE DON'T EXPECT MEDICAL HELP AT THIS PLACE.  Take your Medicare and money that would cover the unpaid portion of the bill elsewhere because YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE MEDICAL HELP HERE.  I see that urgent care facilities fill a real need in the community -- unless you're insurance coverage is through Medicare. 

       Besides this blog post I left reviews for Santa Monica Urgent Care on Yelp, Twitter, Facebook  If Santa Monica Urgent Care wants to change its policy so that Medicare is accepted,  I would consider changing the reviews and entries I left in the aftermath of this issue.  I hope they do.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Two Dog Farms Jindo Dog Rescue Fund Raiser

Santa Monica friends, visitors and jaywalkers, you've probably seen me walking about Santa Monica with Dory, my incomparable, sweet Jindo dog. Saturday, September 6, 2014, Dory and I will strut our muttness to help raise money for the 501c3 Jindo rescue group that saved his life some 2.5 years ago: Two Dog Farms Jindo rescue. Please help me raise some always-needed funds to continue the work of rescuing these amazing dogs. You may not be familiar with Jindo dogs, but they're a different kind of cat. Actually, their temperament is often compared to half cat/half dog.  If you love cats and/or dogs -- you'll love Jindo dogs and be moved, touched and inspired to support their continued rescue, rehabilitation and re-homing through the  efforts of the only Jindo rescue group on the West Coast:Two Dog Farms (all volunteers too). Donations are tax deductible, good karma and soul-fulfilling. Thank you in advance! Now, back to practicing my strut.