Firefighters have always been heroes in my eyes. I don't have any friends who are firefighters but I've met a few and they have uniformly impressed me and not because of their well-pressed uniforms. The few I've met have been disciplined, fit, funny, professional and interesting. Every year California has wild fires and the lives of firefighters are lost while almost no human life is lost. Firefighters are called to gear up and run into a dragon's mouth of fire the size of some of this country's most modest-sized states. They may be scared or not -- I don't know -- but they don't hesitate. They go when called. I'm not sure my parents would run into a burning house to save me but I know a firefighter would and perhaps die in the effort. This is a small part of why I love and admire firefighters.
Of all the tax dollars I pay, what is spent to equip, protect, fund and otherwise support firefighters is worth EVERY single penny (I don't mean to omit peace officers but this blog isn't about them today). The return on the tax dollar is excellent value especially given that this state's government will not resolve the perpetual wildfire hazard that afflicts California.
I extend my deepest condolences to the families of Fire Capt. Ted Hall and Specialist Arnaldo Quinones, firefighters who lost their lives on their way to a raging conflagration. Bless the firefighters, and bless their families who bare the deepest brunt of the loss. It is so hard to lose these irreplaceable angels of the community.
I completely and wholeheartedly agree.